
Archive for April, 2008

My 3 year old and I were getting ready to go this morning. I asked him if he wanted to ride with Daddy today and he said no, he preferred to ride with me. He was already dressed and set to go, at least as far as I was concerned, but I was still getting dressed. He asked if he could play with the lock and key he and his brother turned up in the garage. I told him it was time for us to go. He wasn’t ready. I told him we needed to leave because mommy was going to work. He responded “Daddy goes to work. Mom, you go to meetings.”

Oh, yes. I do go to meetings!

I wonder what his image of my career will be when he grows up? Will he think that being a minister is just about going to meetings? That’s what he hears me say so often. Where is Mommy going this evening? To a meeting. What is Mommy doing Saturday morning? Going to a meeting. Why is Mommy going to be away for two days? She’s going to a meeting.

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I woke up from a most agreeable dream this morning. Continuing to ride the Holy Laughter train, in my dream I was preaching in limerick. No, not Limerick, Ireland, as my dad jested; but in the literary form of limerick. It was so funny. In fact, I think the entire worship service was done in limerick! What a hoot!

So what was I preaching when I woke up? Here it is:

There was a young man from Galilee

Who died on a cross at Calvary

He rose from the grave

God’s people to save

Now he’s leading us into eternity!

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Holy Hilarity!

Holy Hilarity, Batman! It’s Risus Paschalis!

That’s right, friends. This past Sunday was Bright Sunday, also known as Holy Humor Sunday. The day when the church laughs in the face of Satan. God has won! Jesus Christ is risen! Satan is defeated!

I preached last Sunday, and as usual the sermon writing didn’t get done until Saturday. Oh sure, I had thought about it a little bit the week before. I’d even decided I’d go ahead and preach on the gospel lection from John 20:19-31. But what I didn’t know until late in the week, was that the first Sunday after Easter is known as the “Easter Laugh”. It’s true. And there is evidence to support the claim based on the 3rd century writings of Augustine, Gregory of Nyssa and John Chrysostom. (My info came from http://www.joyfulnoiseletter.com, the website of the Fellowship of Merry Christians.)

How could I resist but put some good humor into our blended worship service?! It was especially auspicious because blended services are the least favored by the worship extremes in this church. So I was able to invite more flexibility from the worship attenders by injecting this practice and celebration into our service. It was also nice to have a bit of comic relief after the weeks of Lenten penitence. I wish we had video taped it.

Anyway, it was a little jumbled as far as the order goes, but it was fun. I enjoyed it like I haven’t done for months. I’m already thinking about what we can do next year. One church I read about puts Easter eggs in the pews and each egg has a joke in it. Kind of like getting a fortune cookie crossed with Bazooka bubble gum! I even have enough Easter eggs purchased at the Wal-Mart 50% off Easter sale that I could have used for the occasion. So I’ve got a jump start on next year.

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